Thursday, November 26, 2009


a family that loves me, a husband that cleans, a protective dog, my recent jewelry show that brought in $700 gross, grad school, Detroit, my reading nook, friends to dance with, artistic freedom to put orange and purple together.

On a side note, there's a whole apartment of little kids that think my husband is Eminem. Their father asked him to help pick up the kids one day and he introduced him as Eminem. They were told "Billy" is his undercover name he uses when he doesn't want people to know its him. Now I know all white dudes look alike ;)! but EMINEM! Seriously this made me hysterical!!!!

Whew. These last weeks have been crazy. Grad school, internship, a jewelry show. So over break I decided to post new pictures of some designs I am so excited about. Check them out!

LET LOOSE! Grab your bubble wand and run. These bubble wands will take you back to a day when bubbles were irresistible and their charm never failed to catch your eye!

Delicate Pleasures - Botswana Agate and Mookaite Jasper


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mmmm. fall foods

Yummy! Fall foods are here. One of the few redeeming characteristics of the cold season that is just a hint of the pure hell to come when winter and her winds come!! I am on a mission to make massive amounts of food every Sunday to sustain us during the week while I have school since I get out class after 8pm every night. Today I made: Potatoe Leek Soup, Pot Roast w/potatoes & carrots, and pumpkin bread. Recipes are here.

Plus, I made a delicious pear salad. Compliments of my mother in law. Which prompted the pear earrings.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Fed by the River

I had a beautiful afternoon; tea. teapot. wire. hammer. sun.

Just starting to finish an early order for Christmas presents. Its just around the corner and I am glad to get orders done now before finals week creeps up on me!

Tonight, after the chaos of 5 children subsided (we had a sleep over with the godkids) I had some time to reflect.

Proper 22 out of the book of common prayer:
Almighty and everlasting God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and to give more than we either desire or deserve; Pour upon us the abundance of your mercy....

The Place of Humiliation: from Oswald Chambers
It is in the place of humiliation that we find our true worth to God- that is where our faithfulness is revealed...It takes the valley of humiliation to remove the skepticism from is in the valley that we have to live for the glory of God.

I've been walking in this valley for a while. Skepticism has all but over taken me at times. Embarrassed at my time away from the Presence, I put it off. But here it is, a reminder that not only is the One waiting for me but ready to give to me. I've felt stuck walking through a dark valley with no end in sight at times but forgotten the stream that flows through it, next to me. A gentle murmur trying to remind me. All I have to do is reach out, dip my hand in it, feel the cool refreshing touch of the water. This water will sustain me as I walk through this valley. All I have to do is humble myself and ask.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I withheld talking about it b/c I was afraid it wouldn't happen but.....HERE IT IS!!! My interview with Detroit Fashion Pages. GASP!!

If you are visiting because you read my article WELCOME! Please check out my other postings, become a fan on facebook, or view my etsy account. To make things consistent I will now be updating my etsy site and blog every Sunday and Wednesday.

You can sign up to receive updates when I blog and hear more adventures from Detroit. I have a new one...Being Chased by Wild Dogs in the City.

But thats to come tonight. No time now, I need to get back to work.

Thanks again Detroit!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Artists...The Tranformation of the Hood???

This morning on my daily walk with Ace (who is pictured to the right, awwww so cute. He loves walks so much, you can't even say walk in a sentence or he freaks out, we have to spell. Its like having a toddler.) Anyhoo, this morning on my walk, I ran into a gentleman who asked if my dog would like a play mate. I'm always a little skeptical of older men who talk to me on my walks. They are usually slimy and I think they find me attractive only b/c my whiteness makes me different.
For some background info, I live in the Northend Neighborhood of Detroit. Some consider it a rougher neighborhood, it used to be, I consider it transitional with a big mixture of incomes, education, and family structures.
So back to the story. We started talking and he said he was an artist from COLORADO and had moved here to rehab a building and open up an artist community. I LOVE IT!! I told him about the community garden and that it was on a lot owned by another artist who was also trying to set up his studio in the neighborhood.
So by the end of the walk, I had a new friend, a new doggy playmate for Ace, a potential volunteer for the community garden, and the Northend has one more person wanting to make a difference here. What a divine meeting, I usually don't go out as early as a I did and we just happened to run into each other.

It reminded me of a piece I made: Bird's Eye View
When you look at the Bird's Eye View of the Northend, you see its potential; the empty lots and buildings that can be developed, the houses and yards people are maintaining. Living in the midst of empty and burned out homes can make me think there's little hope left. The negative issues and drama can drain and suck out all the efforts made by myself and my husband, our neighbors, the churches. This fortuitous meeting with the artist reminded me to keep the bird's eye view of the Northend in mind, to focus on the potential. Things are happening here and we will reap the benefits of people's investment into the neighborhood.

Bird's Eye View

Looks like Richard Florida's thesis is happening in the Northend. THE ARTISTS ARE COMING! WATCH OUT!

It makes me think about what needs to happen to make sure that our neighbors are pulled up with the neighborhood not just relocated to another hood.
One time a cop was questioning why Billy was in the neighborhood. When Billy showed him his license to prove he lived here, the cop said, "There goes the neighborhood." I don't want to be the force that pushes people out. Improve the environment yes but not push out. The fabric of this community is amazing. Old and young, low, middle upper middle class families all living next to each other. How do you do this? Its not something that just will happen.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I just got back from a camping trip up north and feel more refreshed then ever to start the new year! With scenery like this how can you not relax!!!

A quick inventory of my pictures reveals that the dog is the center of attention but with a boxer as cute as ours how could he not be??? Here's just one of many pictures of him chasing sticks. This one just happens to be the rope swing at the campsite.

Here is a glimpse at whats instore at the etsy shop!!
Ribbon Candy...Bracelet
Sardonyx encased in silver with carnelian and Botswana agate.

Carnelian, Turquiose, and Silver Swirled

Monday, August 17, 2009

Twisted Sista and Canning


If I was a REALLY COOL MUSIC BUFF I would tell you how growing up rocking out to "We're Not Going To take it" inspired the making of these twisting, free wheeling trinkets!


I'm not. I'm a dork. Even though I'm married to someone whose life revolves around music, lived with music buffs all through school, and have one really awesome friend now (ahem...nigheve). Music is still just a background for life.

In fact I had to google twisted sister just to come up with a song title. shhhhh don't tell.

I prefer the serenity of quiet to loud beats and mumur of NPR to lyrics.

Inspired by windchimes and then stuck with a fun name to fit their style. These babies will stand out when they grace your shoulder. Check them out!!!

What else has been consuming my time you may ask???? CANNING!!!

Once deemed too hard, time consuming, hot, stupid by this snotty teenager has now become a fun bonding experience with my wonderfully industrious, nutty modern day june cleaver mother.

Lessons Learned....

1. Don't let mother get distracted from canning with the idea of artistic photos, she's easily distracted and you may not finish canning till late at night.

2. Thank GOD for large food processing plants. Canning is fun. But hard work. We worked all day into the night and had 36 jars between the two of us. Stuffing beans into a jar is time consuming.
Laboring over beans. FINISHED!

From this...
To this...

TO THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Bread & Butter Pickles, Beets, Dilled Beans, and Turnips